All of the below modalities can be integrated into a session. You don't have to know exactly which one you want or need, and, if you do have a preference you can let me know at the time of our session or beforehand, as you like.
COVID: the work space is huge with high ceilings and windows on ever side. Mask wearing is still mandatory. Please wear a quality mask with a fitted nose area.
There is a dog, cat and stairs on premise.
Street parking is great, street cleaning on Thursdays and Fridays from 12:30-3:30 means you might need another 5 minutes for parking.
No need to arrive early.
Please call or text or ring the bell when you arrive and I'll come out and get you!
P-DTR® feels like sign language that your brain understands and learns from. A problematic movement instantaneously becomes easier after a quick correction.
We use gentle muscle tests to determine if there is proper function in muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints, etc. Via a system of neurological communication, we determine which receptors are responsible for which pains. We then “show” them to the brain, stimulate a deep tendon reflex, the brain responds to the “reboot”, and then it fixes the problem, restoring normal functionality to the structure in question.
All this change in the brain and nerve receptor happens in an instant.
Yay! Now you are pain free! So, so, simple. ☺
Wear clothes you can move in and warm layers if it's a cold day.

Deep tissue massage is what I call my own style of fairly intense bodywork that comes from a combination of neuromuscular therapy, connective tissue therapy, sports massage, myo-fascial release, A.R.T., shiatsu, polarity therapy and more.

An A.R.T.® session requires a certain amount of active participation from the client, who usually remains dressed and frequently changes position on the treatment table while the practitioner engages in problem-solving. Is the pain coming from a muscle being stretched during an action? Is there a nerve entrapment creating pain or weakness? Is the pain in one area because of an issue in an antagonistic structure? The client’s active participation of movement during a stretch helps both control the intensity and neurologically improve the rate of tissue release.

Craniosacral therapy is a form of light-touch bodywork wherein the practitioner addresses issues in the joints of the cranium. The spine and sacrum are also touched, and often the craniosacral pulse is addressed through other body parts. The craniosacral pulse is created from a high and low volume of cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the spinal cord and brain, inside the membranes that protect these structures. These shifts in volume create a subtle flexion and extension throughout the body. The practitioner can feel where these rhythms are irregular or asymmetrical and guide the body to correct itself through gentle holds.

"I started seeing Allison last year, and she has been amazing helping me recover from three shoulder surgeries (to repair a separated shoulder) and a history of throwing out my back.
After the first visit, I could tell that her work was what my body needed to catalyze my recovery, and I've been seeing her regularly since then. After each visit I could tell that I took a leap forward in my recovery; I'm regaining my strength and getting back to the things I love to do.
I've been seeing Allison for hour and a half sessions, which I would definitely recommend. We usually spend the first half doing p-dtr (neuro muscular rebalancing) and finish up with a more traditional massage. If you are new to muscle testing, and even if you're not, the p-dtr work may seem like strange voodoo magic. Go for it! It's well worth it! It's grounded in the science of how the body works and has made a huge difference in my recovery.
Allison is an incredibly gifted massage therapist, devoted to constantly learning and improving her craft to help her patients reach their goals. I could not recommend her enough! "